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Saturday, November 29, 2008

DXF files, Coordinates & 3D Modelling.

As we can see, Lai is getting more and more aggressive. In just one day, he already posted 2 stuff, one is particularly sick. Do you know, Lai, that if any of my family members found out about this blog and all the sick stuff you put? Your so call "reputation", if you ever had any of those, will be gone. Skipping forward, I have nothing to post actually, just this picture of Yvone Strahovski, who played Sarah Walker in "Chuck". One of the best tv series I've ever seen. Catch in on Tuesday morning (GMT+8), I bet Chris knows who she is. I think she is one of the prettiest Australian actresses. So beautiful, so deadly. I just put her pictures here just to rub some salt in your wound, Chris. Anyway, I will try my best to find Yvone in Australia. If I ever had the chance to see her, I sure ask for her autograph. My 3 years plan is to do well and finish my honours year in Sydney and maybe I might bump into her. I mean, there are the odds. Me and my friends used to have this running joke about applying for the University of Western Sydney, just to attend the Alumni. Guess who's their alumni. Chris, I know you might be thinking that I bullshit a lot. Don't be sad, come visit me la.

Your craziest friend ever,
Ang Mo Kia.



1. 性高潮到来之前,有人身上部分皮肤会出现性红晕。这是由于血液重新分配,体内血液骤然流向体表,导致皮下浅表血管充血的结果。性红晕主要出现在颜面部、前胸部、乳房,其次全身皮肤也有可能出现充血现象。

2. 出现肌紧张。由于肌肉兴奋性增高,出现了全身部分肌肉的肌紧张,从不随意收缩到规律性收缩。在性高潮时,可出现肌肉痉挛样收缩,主要表现为手、足痉挛,颜面扭曲或身子扭动。

3. 呼吸、心率加快。由于中枢神经系统的兴奋,血压升高,肌肉收缩,有氧代谢的加快,对氧气的需求增加,以致呼吸、心率加快。性高潮时,呼吸次数可达40次/分,有时伴有有节奏的呻吟;心率增加到120次/分,有个别女性甚至高达150-160次/分。

4. 感觉发生变化。女性达到性高潮时,有人会出现意识模糊,视觉、听觉减退,甚至出现一时性晕厥;部分女性伴有味觉、嗅觉减退或消失。进入消退期时,才逐渐恢复正常。  

5. 性高潮时女性阴道肌肉,尤其是阴道外口肌肉会发生明显的剧烈有力而令人愉快的收缩,对阴茎起明显的握固作用,这种收缩一般有3~15次,每隔0.8秒收缩一次,持续2~4秒,或更长,并带来高度的自身欢快。那些体质较好、未曾生育的妇女其阴道肌肉的收缩作用尤为明显。最后,紧接着女子的骨盆底会不自觉地抖动(尤其是阴道提肌和肛门括约肌)而与此相对这些肌肉会自觉地、有意识地出现节奏性收缩。紧接着子宫发生节律性收缩,从子宫底一直发展到子宫颈,其高潮阶段肌肉痉挛发生的次数较多,经历时间也较长。有人形容,此时像轻微触电一样,或者似有一股暖流从下身通向全身。  

6. 乳房出现乳头勃起反应,乳房组织内肌纤维出现不随意收缩,血管充血,乳头竖起变硬。一旦达到性高潮,乳房皮肤红热,乳晕肿胀更为明显。

Friday, November 28, 2008


1. 她不会再缠着问你:"你爱我吗,爱我吗?",管你不爱不爱她了,反正她不爱你了.
2. 她不会再穿着新买的衣服在你面前故意晃来晃去,只为了博你欣赏的拥抱.
3. 她的话语越来越少,不再像喜鹊一样围绕你左右问东问西.甚至连和你吵嘴的兴趣都没有.
4. 她已不在你面前流眼泪了.女人的眼泪可以征``服一切,这是种武``器.但却唯独不想征``服你.
5. 她会和你并排走路,但不再挽你的胳膊,如以前像个树獭一样挂着.总会与你保持一米之距.心里的距离必然产生物理的距离.
6. 她的手机经常关机,不再如以前一样24小时为你开机.等你的信息来电.她已不在牵挂你,也不需要你的牵挂了.因为爱是24小时长长的牵挂.爱有多深,牵挂就有多长.
7. 她开始喜欢'孤独如水已如帛,帛在水中自含蓄'的心境时,她宁肯让心孤独也不愿意你来陪伴.是从心底的排斥.
8. 她的眼眸瞳仁里,没有了你的影子,即使你站在了她的对面.眉目之间的冷漠取代了往昔的妩媚的风情.媚态之于女人是由情而生.
9. 她不在在意跟你通话的异性是谁,不在关心你的身边挽着谁,妒忌是爱的氧气,她穿越了妒忌.淹灭了爱火.
10. 她在你每月只能挣几十块钱的时候爱上你,那是真的爱了,却在你事业通达的时候离开你.那也是真的不爱了.

Z Transform, Laprace Transform & Fourrier Transform

I have been talking to my friend yet again for some advises. I've asked E (unsw law & commerce hopeful), for some legal consultation. I don't know whether I should ask her out or what but it will be not on my mind for now. I am scared to post this kind of stuff on my blog because I found out some of my family members actually reads my blog. Besides, I've talked to Kat (mqu actuarial hopeful) about the break-up stages. He told me some useful stuff:

1. Denial
First, you cannot believe the person you thought "loves" you, just left you for some other person and you still reach a point where you are still in shock and disbelieve. Not only that, you will still hope that he or she will come back to you.

2.Blame game
Secondly, you might end up blaming yourself about the relationship, stating that it's your fault or the other's fault. Your mind will be in total mess as you search for answers and couldn't really found what you're looking for.

Then, you will slowly start to realise maybe you guys are not meant to be together and you will start to let all the anger, pain and grief to go away. You will reach an agreement in your mind that all the past is over and adapting to the changes that will happen in your life.

Before the end, you definetely will overcome the pain and sorrow and moved on. When you start to let it go of the past and look forward to the future, it's the only way you can move on and be in peace.

5.Bang a new chick
Lastly, I don't think I need to explain this. You guys are smart enough to understand it.

p/s :: a great thanks to many people especially kat for inventing this Break-up Law.

Moving on,
Ang Mo Kia

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A new Revolution _

Dear blog writers and readers,

This blog content has been contaminated, by the Gila sex person called Lai.
Every single post he wrote, is all about sex Sex SEX SEX. I am so shocked that he finally showed his true identity of being the God of SEX. But what i heard from (actually learned from) my friends SM stands for Sexually maltreatment. So I decided to believe the experts since he was born and destined to become doctor Sex Lai. So any misunderstanding about any terms of that 'thing', you can seek for his help. No qualms and worries altho u cannot shoot out. You can ask him everything abt sex and he will answer you with the correct solutions. U can give him a call if u wan at 012-3947699.

P/s don thank me, guys. but for girls, pls don call him, cz he might rape u, using SM method.

Written by Lee Yi Gang,
27 Nov 2008

Evidence of Lai being a GAY!!!

Below is the evidence i collected from a conversation between me and lai.

c how la

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:

y u like to smoke m,eh?

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:

y keep put dunhill de?

Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:


Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:

make fool of my secondary school fren

Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:

most of my fren put dunhill ciggarete

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:


汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:

smoke al ot?

Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:


Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:

oni he smoke...

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:

u leh?

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:

u oso got la..

Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:

no lo...

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:

u smoke biscuit to lan yeng lo

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:


Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:

i suck lan jiao got la

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:


汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:

tis is proof

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:

u r gay

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:

Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:

i suck lan jiao got la

Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:

not han jun 1

Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:

dun print screen

汶汶ChriSThaM~被 ViVi 射到死唔葬身之地!! >.<" says:

too late

Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:

next time who talk about it

Lai 27 - (づ ̄³ ̄)づ(̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅D̲̅u̲̅N̲̅h̲̅i̲̅L̲̅L̲̅_̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪے says:

i will suck urs

Reply of Now I Understand

What is SM???SM stands for sadomasochism or sadism and masochism. Sadism refers to sexual or non-sexual gratification in the infliction of pain or humiliation upon or by another person. Masochism refers to sexual or non-sexual gratification in the infliction of pain or humiliation upon oneself.

The Act of SM :
1. Breast bondage
Apart from the visual appearance of the breasts being lifted, the pressure that is applied results in a reduction in blood flow, and a further swelling and firming of the breasts. This makes them very sensitive, especially the nipples and surrounding areas, and it can be quite pleasurable to the bound person when they are stimulated. Conversely, if nipple clamps are used, the nipples will be particularly sensitive to this and the degree of pain significantly greater. Rubber bands around the breasts have also been used with breast bondage to increase this effect still further.

2. Rape fantasy - A rape fantasy or a ravishment is a sexual fantasy in which a person imagines themselves being coerced, raped, or otherwise forced into a sex act. Some people enjoy the feeling of sexual submission, while others like imagining themselves as so irresistible and unattainable that their attacker must let loose their animalistic instincts.

  • Male Fantasy - There are two main types of male rape fantasies, which usually involve a woman. In the first type, the woman objects then comes to like it, eventually participating in the sex. In the second type, the woman doesn't like it, and the fantasy's arousal is based on hurting the woman.

  • Female Fantasy - force fantasies in women are a way of handling sexual guilt -- of expressing sexual desire without responsibility -- but others claim that rape fantasies are simply a variation within a normal range of approaches to female sexuality.

3. Wax Play - Wax play is a form of sensual play involving warm or hot wax usually dripped from candles or ladled onto a person's naked skin.Wax play can create colorful and beautiful patterns on the subject.

4. Tit and Breast Torture - Modern erotic punishment activities that can be applied to breasts and nipples include :

  • Breast binding – compressing the breasts against the chest wall with tape, bandages, ropes, and so on.
  • Flagellation – Slapping, whipping, caning, paddling, and other forms of striking the breasts.
  • Clamping – the use of clothespins, hardware clamps, household clamps, hair pins, and so on, or clamps designed specifically for use on the nipples or on other parts of the breast.

p/s : Because this question is asked by a boy so I just post the girl parts. I am not sexist.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


The Sexy Amateur Architect : 返工,放工,几点至够钟?
Boss : 打卡!打卡!记得打卡!! 唔系O咗T没人知! 
The Sexy Amateur Architect : !@#!$!@%!%!@#

Now I understand...

Don worry, my beloved fans and friends. I understand your feelings for all your unquenchable thirst for my cool pictures. I will post more albums, so just sit back and wait. Haha, so guys out there, don't be jealous especially people like Lai (Jamie's lover who wants to build his own family, so that he has chance to SM Jamie.)

By the way, the SM word is hard to learn for me. Even my housemates know the meaning of this word which is crucial to Lai's happiness. I even asked my housemates to explain to me when they discuss about those things. As you know they are all girls, so they didn't hint me a single thing.

That's how i learned this word, asking one by one from my friends. So feel free to ask "what is SM"
if you don't know. Kindly contact Lai or email him if you feel shy, cause among us, he holds the most knowledge about SM thing since he practice every night with his beloved.

And 1 thing i get it after I read and participate in this blog. The significant you can see is, there's a war. Not a normal war, but a clan war, perhaps will begin. Between the protagonist and the antagonist. Just like Transformer ( Me & Hanjun) known as Autobots VS Decepticons (Lai the God of Sex).

P/s if you have no idea how he get the nickname, please visit website for more details.

A clan war that has been started, by BOOM-ing each other. Han Jun is right, he post all those pervert stuff, but look at the positive side. For eg, when you wanna ... ... with your girlfriend (s), he is the best doctor and superb pharmacist you can consult to. No doubt. He scored AAA in sex education as well as in SM. He's so busy till he has no time to comb his hair. Therefore his hair is in the mess till now. Thats the reason.

Come let's start Clan War...!!!

Written by Lee Yi Gang,
26 Nov 2008