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Sunday, December 20, 2009


It's always you all this while. Savannah.

Funny how things changed from 2 years ago. 2007 seemed so long ago. I actually looked back at my thoughts and how my life was 2 years ago. Reading back those ups and downs in life. My blogs, pictures and notes taken over the years. I did have a good life, too bad, I wasn't bright to realise that then. Sometimes things just flow past you as you watch life runs through. Hey, just a random thought. According to Tom Hanson from (500) days of summer, he thinks he can only find true happiness when he's in love. So, it makes me wonder too. I'm not desperate. It's just that I'm looking for happiness. Maybe it's love, maybe it's not. I really don't know. I guess only by living life, we can only find out what's going to happen next. I just want to see where life is bringing me next. Maybe a home coming trip can let me find happiness again. I'll see you pretty soon.

Missed up,
Ang Mo Kia
~listening to Relient K's Savannah~

Henri Poincaré, "If God speaks to man, he undoubtedly uses the language of mathematics."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


hey everyone, its quite some time since i haven't blog. So than i will share my experience i did the whole month in December. So now i had finished my studies, treakathon race( got the 4th placing) and now the only thing left is working in KFc genting Klang. hahaha. Anyway the work is boring and routine as they all want to cut the operation cost and optimizes the manpower. Thus they changed my department very often, from costumer services to cook and now back-up. Quite boring Work as i think its solely based on energy usage with ought knowledge applied. Thus i planed to quite this job by the end of this month or maybe by the end of next month.BTW congrats to Hanjun as he got a job, i hope the job will give you more experience and let you learn something. And know what? I care for you man!!! If you come home, lets meet =)

finished my physics lab4 long time ago and i guess i only learn maybe 60% of it??? as i realize that i can't really juggle between work and studies togather. hehe. recently i had met with this girl name Qian which i know during my work last year and guest wat, she had a bf ady, and she admitted to me. So then i din't went out with her as i dont think its appropriate to be so close with someone who is not available. Rite? it may promote misundestanding, hahah. then she asked me weather am I interested in her sister who is about 2 years elder then me. And i said yes withought much thinking as i ment yes as a friend because i don't really know her yet. Anyway, i dont think its possible as then she is less educated and not that suitable in many terms such as lifestyle and other. hehe so i guess i will ignore her.

I posted some pictures of me winning the UTAR treakathon ady. So you all could check it out at my profile =) and also i had a hair cut by my mother as its cost Rm 10 to cut out there. So advance new year wish friends!!! hope you all have a good year ahead. Going work tomorrow =)

Dr chang,
When you appreciate life, its gets more meaningful =)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Home coming.

I have been working lately. Quite busy in the morning, considering having to wake up like 4 or 5 am to get to work. Sometimes it is really tiring. Had a trip down to Noarlunga, which is like an hour drive away. I woke up at half past 5 for that. Thank God for the day off today and tomorrow. Factory work on the monday morning.

After Christmas, I might be sent to Broken Hill to work up in the mines. Before that, I might be going home. Yeah, that's it. I'm going home. After a long 8 months here, I'm going home. I'm now just waiting for the tickets. It would just for a while, so I might only be visiting those who still even bother to meet me. I would love to see all my mates but I just got a feeling, some of them don't even care about me anymore. So, why should I waste my time? I might meet up with Eujin, Lawrence, Yihao, Kathir, G(So sorry that your girl was sick and couldn't say good bye to you while I was in Melbourne), Akil, Nadrah(if she wants to go out with me), Geetha, Aaron, Laila and some of those MRSM dickheads.Who, who?

By the way, don't ever let me hear you say that Indians, Malays or any Indigenous race being a cheap race. Trust me, I'll punch you. Little do you know, my maternal grandfather's family are native Siamese. Are you trying to say that I'm a descendent of a cheap race? I'm so surprised how your close mind shaped the way you see the world. I have a zero tolerance policy for racism and any type of prejudice.

Recently, I was really screwed up by some of the people I know. It kinda serve as a wake up call for me when I try to keep friends as much as I can. Maybe it's the guy from the top, letting me know that some people are just not worth it and it's time to move on. But, as usual, there are those who are always in my mind. Friends are hard to keep, let alone female friends. Or some of you might call girl friends, read the fine prints, not girlfriends. After making Geetha a bit happy for her b'day and took Laila out for Oyster that night, I realise how sometimes people overrate the idea of being in a relationship. Bullshit love story. I would rather hang out with these people that I call friends. Back to the topic, it was awesome. Some pictures, maybe?

Mussels in Belgian Bar.

Guess who sent that?

post - script : I really don't wanna lose those back home but you're giving me no choice.

Ang Mo Kia
~listening to Mumm-Ra's Starlight~

I'm coming home.