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Monday, June 29, 2009

Moral studies in malaysia.

hanjun u lucky bastard dun have to study this SOHAI subject!!! hoho.. let me share something with u since i was not caught by ISA yet.. haha..

Diskriminasi ras ditakrifkan sebagai perbezaan layanan berdasarkan perbezaan ras atau kaum. Fenomena ini berlaku apabila sesebuah negara mempunyai rakyat pelbagai kaum, dan Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang terbaik untuk dijadikan contoh. Golongan minoriti di dalam negara berkenaan sentiasa berasa mereka didiskriminasikan dalam banyak perkara oleh golongan majoriti. Golongan minoriti berasa peluang dan hak yang sama tidak diberikan kepada mereka seperti yang diberikan kepada golongan majoriti. Contoh yang terbaik ialah orang Melayu merupakan rakyat bumiputera di Malaysia malakala kaum-kaum lain seperti orang Cina dan India sebagai rakyat bukan bumiputera tidak mempunyai hak bumiputera seperti mempunyai 7 % diskaun dalam pembelian tanah dan rumah. Ini telah menyebabkan golongan minoriti seperti orang Cina dan India di Malaysia tidak berpuas hati terhadap regulasi kerajaan Malaysia selama 52 tahun. Sejak perlantikan Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebagai Perdana Menteri yang baru di Malaysia, beliau mempunyai satu impian untuk melahirkan satu bangsa dan satu negara selaras dengan amalan konsep Satu Malaysia. Namun begitu, konsep Satu Malaysia ini hanyalah satu konsep yang hanya dikata-katakan di blog Satu Malaysia sahaja dan tiada sebarang tindakan yang dilaksanakan untuk merealisasikan konsep ini sehingga sekarang! Satu Malaysia, satu bangsa merupakan cakap angin sahaja! Sebagai orang Malaysia, kita mengalami satu pengalaman benar tentang diskriminasi ras. Apabila rakyat bumiputera meletakkan kereta di kawasan bergaris kuning yang berhampiran dengan masjid pada hari jumaat, kereta mereka tidak akan disaman. Kita hendak bertanya bahawa terdapatkah satu undang yang menerangkan bahawa meletakkan kereta di kawasan bergaris kuning pada hari jumaat tidak bersalah?

Diskriminasi agama berlaku apabila seseorang atau kumpulan yang menganuti agama tertentu tidak diberi peluang mengamalkan ajaran agama mereka. Keadaan ini biasanya berlaku kepada penganut agama yang menjadi minoriti di dalam sesebuah negara. Contohnya di England, terdapat orang Islam yang dibuang kerja kerana menunaikan sembahyang pada waktu malam atau memakai tudung kepala. Di Perancis, perempuan Islam tidak dibenarkan bersekolah jika mereka memakai tudung kepala.

Selain diskriminasi yang dilakukan terhadap orang Islam, pengikut agama lain tidak ketinggalan menerima nasib yang sama. Walaupun Malaysia ialah sebuah Negara yang berbilang kaum, namun terdapat beberapa contoh yang benar betul berlaku di Negara kita. Kebelakangan ini, isu-isu tentang perselisihan antara Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi & Kebudayaan dan Kementerian Kesihatan dalam penyakit Influenza H1N1 jenis A yang sentiasa dipaparkan di dada akhbar dan di kaca televisyen dan sering meniti bibir ke bibir. Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi & Kebudayaan menamakan penyakit Influenza H1N1 jenis A sebagai penyakit selesema babi ataupun selesema khinzir walaupun WHO telah menentukan nama penyakit tersebut sebagai penyakit Influenza H1N1 jenis A dan penyakit ini tidak berkaitan dengan memakan daging khinzir. Oleh kerana khinzir merupakan haiwan yang sensitif dalam Malaysia, oleh itu menamakan penyakit Influenza H1N1 jenis A sebagai penyakit selesema khinzir merupakan sebuah gerak-geri yang beransur diskriminasi agama. Ini telah menunjukkan bahawa orang Islam mempunyai diskriminasi ke atas orang Cina kerana mereka menganggap orang yang makan daging khinzir adalah berjangkit dengan penyakit tersebut walaupun itu bukan kebenarannya.

I respect the malays for eating HALAL and they didnt respect us,chinese and discriminate us for eating pork.. haiz..

Thursday, June 25, 2009


hey every one..
some times i freel abit depress and had been like this lately. cos of studies. Man i am such a poor student.... i am also under probation this sem. that very very shitty. My parents also begin to pressure me alot also lately. Sometimes i really want to be the really really good students u know like some of my friends who are in the president list... but i dont think its possible and i dont event think i am the type of student like that.. i mean ths smart ones . guess i wont be able to be excelent in education. Haiz. today i had Quantum Machanics. Man was so damm disappointed when can't even understand whats happening. So i just went of the class and waited till it ends. Quantum Machanics is not like machanics man cos you can't even see whats happening in real life we only see them thru theories such as schrodinger's equation like that.. Guess i must add oil more this sem. By the way hanjun take care yea, ur a good friend of myne =)


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Malaysia left me no REASON to stay..

I risk myself from getting caught by the ISA but yet i still insist on writing this blog about the STUPID ,RETARDED, BRAINLESS Malaysia government. Malaysia is the ONE n ONLY unfair yet so called "Democratic" country in this world. Today i finally found out that Malays are still having a DEEP HATRED for we, Chineses since the May 13 incident. I don't get why the hell those Malays are so vengeful towards the Chinese.

Today i drove my mum's car to UTAR. Everyone in UTAR knows that UTAR is poor, therefore we don't have any parking space to park our cars in the campus area. Therefore i decided to park my car at the area near to the playground in Taman Bunga Raya. I parked at the space between 2 houses. 1 of the houses is stayed by TAR students and the other 1 i assumed is stayed by malay. It's only 2 hour of class and i assumed that my car will be safe since i'm not parking at the yellow line and traffic police officers won't gimme a ticket.

After i finished my 2 hour class, i thought that i can drive home and have a nice afternoon nap. All the sudden i found out that my car slanted to the left side. WTF, the both tires on the left side of my car were punctured. The MAIN TROUBLE is BOTH TIRES not ONE. Typically a car will only have 1 spare tire.I got panicked and call my coursemates for help. A girl stayed nearby told me not to park there anymore because i was not the first and only victim there. There were similiar incidents happened past few days.

Once my coursemates arrived the scene, they looked around and found out that there were few cars that were having the same trouble as i m. Almost 8 to 10 cars that doesn't belong to the neighbourhood residents got 2 of their tires punctured.TBR is a malay housing estate and that MEANS tat all those cars that got their tires punctured belongs to the Chinese!! It was like a GENOCIDE of all chineses' cars that were parked at a MALAY AREA.

How lucky i am having a bunch of BEST CI coursemates cause they helped me to replace both punctured tires and i can save up a lot of money for not calling a tow-car. Too bad that the other 2 punctured car owners that were going home at the same time with me have to call for a tow. 1 of the car owner is a female. She was so helpless as she couldn't replace her tires by herself and don't have friends to help her so she had to call for a tow.

Is this called a mass vandalism towards Chinese properties?
I went to the police station to report after i got back home and guess what they say?

PorkBRAIN Police : " Vandalisme ? U park di mana? "
ME : " Taman Bunga Raya. Mereka melepaskan angin kepada dua tayar kereta saya. Dan juga beberapa kereta juga hadapi keadaan sama dengan saya. "
PorkBRAIN Police : "Oh, TBR. Sekarang u nak report apa? Kamu Cina beli banyak Kereta buat apa? Kolej tak ada tempat park ke? kenapa nak park di tempat orang lain walaupun itu tempat AWAM. u park kereta mu di tempat orang dan u nak report orang rosak harta benda kamu? haha.

After i heard what that police said to me. i was truly disappointed with Malaysia.

PS: Thanks to chung wei, wei huang, chin thye, vincent, yuen wei and LAI (helping me talking the bolts of the car, althou i can take them myself or put them on the floor)
Without them, i think i will be crying at TBR alone NOW.. hoho..worth i belanja wei huang kfc..haha

written by Chris.

Friday, June 12, 2009


1. 男人在感情的王國裡,絕對是個昏君。女人只要肯奉承,他什麼都答應。

2. 男人都怕女人死纏爛打,但喜歡用同樣的方式對付沒追上的女人。

3. 當有喜歡的女人在場時,男人會有如下表現:話多;顯得聰明些;比平日慷慨;會把話題扯到得意成就上;會刻意顯露平時少見的好心腸;多說一些自以為好笑的笑話引大家(其實主攻目標是那個她啦)發笑。

4. 男人希望身邊的女人明白:帶著同一個女人去所有地方,實在是一件很悶的事(或許女人也這樣覺得吧,只是不好意思說),所以和其他女人適度約會,是調劑和放鬆,完全可以沒有其他企圖。

5. 男人不願聽心上人的舊戀情,因為一想到自己愛的人之前和其他男人有過肌膚之親,就難以忍受。

6. 不少男人第一眼愛上女人的背後,其實隱藏著單純而不可告人的目的:第一眼看見她就想和她有肌膚之親。只是為了得到她們,他們吃力地陪她們先玩女人喜歡的浪漫遊戲。

7. 人看到喜歡他的女人(就算他對她沒太大感覺)跟其他男人稍微熱情一點,即使是朋友般的擁抱或親吻,心裡也會不舒服,知道她被人追求更會妒忌,因為骨子裡男人不想輸給任何人。

8. 女性較容易坦白心事,男人恰恰相反。遇到煩惱,他們找個別好友傾訴時,不會說得很完整,總會給自己留最後一點面子。男人的傾訴都是經過包裝或刻意切碎的,不讓一個人知道全部。這也是女人很難了解男人的原因——他們根本不想被人徹底了解。

9. 男人對女人的愛總是混合了生理衝動,親熱前他覺得女人什麼都好,之後卻可以無半點留戀,但為了不背負太多罪惡感,他們可以裝作溫柔地在事後繼續吐露纏綿的情話。

10. 男人很容易愛上賣弄風情,看起來唾手可得的女人(恰恰這是最不受同性歡迎的女人),因為他覺得有更多機會觸摸。




1: 保護
走在熙熙攘攘的馬路口, 你突然順勢將她從左邊推到身體的右邊, 用魁梧的身軀為她擋住準備發動的汽車. 她驚喜難當. 如今的女人找老公, 絕非為一張長期飯票, 她們更需要擔當. 男人走路時將她護在裡面, 吃飯時替她擋住凜冽的冷氣, 俠客般地庇護能讓女人感動不已.

2: 尊重
你們還沒有到達親密無間的地步. 一同旅遊時, 她在座位上偷哭, 你悄悄拉上窗子關掉小燈, 讓她盡情發洩之時不會太過難堪. 她心情突然轉晴, 認定你是個可以信賴的人. 愛情固然重要, 但尊重女人的感受與尊嚴, 比盲目主觀地愛更重要.

3: 擁抱
每次說完再見, 你總要緊緊地將她抱在懷裡, 默默地凝視她的眼睛, 好像鬆開手就會觸到世界末日一般. 每每此時, 她總會心如鹿撞, 希望就這樣抱到天荒地老. 沒有欲望的擁抱是最動人的, 借用阿基米德的理論就是: 給我一個擁抱, 我就可以擁有你全部的愛.

4: 愛屋及烏
你在辦公室忙得滿頭都是汗, 她卻在和朋友談笑風生. 電話裡, 她說: “那群女人怪我沒買香蕉冰沙. ” 你二話不說, 放下手頭的工作打車去星巴克. 當你把香蕉冰沙送到一群女人面前, 她不僅覺得有面子, 而且覺得無比震撼. 真的愛她不一定非要愛上她屋頂上的烏鴉. 若男人把她的家人和朋友當自己人對待, 心感動之余, 女人也會採取行動, 和你的親朋不分彼此.

5: 瑣碎
吃飯前, 你搶先將竹筷子的碎屑刮乾淨;喝湯時, 他在一邊將她散開的長頭髮捋到耳後;蒸魚上桌後, 你又剔掉魚刺, 滿足地看著她大快朵頤. 朋友都說你瑣碎得像個老媽子, 她卻說你是世界上值得嫁的好男人. 歌裡唱: “愛要說, 愛要做. ”男人瑣碎的愛情行為, 滲透著媽媽般的無微不至, 女人如何不感動?

6: 專注
你們在圖書市場流連. 你突然在工具書架前駐足, 一絲不苟地搜尋一本電腦書, 認真的眼睛裡閃爍著智慧的光芒, 你不由得怦然心動. 很多女人喜歡看工作中的男人, 男人在工作時, 身上有股釘子般的“軸勁”, 引無數女人遐思: 要是把這份專注用來愛我該多好!

7: 多心
你們相約去水庫釣魚. 出門後, 你突然折回家拿一把太陽傘, 一言不發地遞到她懷裡, 她胸口一熱, 感動莫名. 男人的心眼太多不是件好事, 但是你們的關心可以多一點, 再多一點. 春天約會備把雨傘, 夏天約會準備驅蚊劑, 秋天帶支潤唇膏, 冬天備一條圍巾. 正是這種實惠的溫暖, 讓女人備感幸福.

8: 記得
她喜歡吃“可愛多”, 所以冰箱中從未缺貨. 突然有一天, 冰箱上有張你寫的便箋: “對不起親愛的, 巧克力味的可愛多賣完了, 今天你不妨試試草莓味. ”還沒吃雪糕, 她已心如灌蜜.   粗心大意的你常想不起自己的生日, 卻記得她的三圍尺寸, 記得她的月經週期, 記得她對芒果過敏. 男人之所以記得清楚, 是因為你對她念念不忘.

9: 偷看
你們牽著手在街上閒逛. 忽然之間, 你將她拽停, 伸手輕輕地將眼瞼下的一根睫毛撥開. 她頓感幸福. 撥走睫毛不過是彈指之間的小事, 卻充分說明你對她的注意力100%集中. 要不是你喜歡仔細地偷看她, 怎能發現剛跌落的一根細小睫毛?沒有一個女人, 能夠抵抗男人如此的“竊色”

10: 老婆奴
她洗澡時不小心劃傷了手, 你心疼地搶過她的內衣說: “手傷了別碰水, 以後要手洗的衣服都交給我. ” 後來你們熱戀, 結婚, 你仍舊每天親手為她洗內衣褲, 她驕傲地告訴閨密: “我嫁了個絕世好男人. ”男人持之以恆的勞動能打動女人. 趙敏的最後心願是希望張無忌為她描眉, 可見再潑辣的女人, 也渴望有個老婆奴

Adelaide, here i come!

Dear Ang Mo Kia,

I'm going to Adelaide this year end!! (if accidents don't happen)
i pass my environmental and i got freaked out with that stupid CHINA trip which only my parents went COZ of STUPID UTAR making our lives miserable by implementing flexi-course system!!!! i m not gonna waste my pasport for nothing for god's sake and i found out that u dun have to apply a visa to come to australia.. AND here i come baby!! gonna get LAID in Adelaide!! wakaka!!

the sexy architect.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Top Gear Season 12's finale

Asking stupid questions on a cloudy and cold Monday,
freezing the beauty within the black long straight hair.
The voice I could fall for, "How are you?","Hungry!",
Smile, the funny way she finished her chips for lunch,
Here, I start to actually like Monday afternoon lectures,
There she was, with that quiet and pretty, yet tired eyes.
Maybe it's you, maybe it's not, or maybe you don't know me,
Guess it's just a shadow, no more than an Indochinese shadow.

I guess so,

Monday, June 1, 2009


dear friends.

This morning i was cycling to campus from my house which is about 2km away. This is because my mom wasn't free to fetch me.

Man u know anot what happend?

when i was going down the slope(infront KTAR) suddenly my bycycle lose balence.... it was damm fast u know at the slope. Then my breaks suddenly disfunction as the back one is totally spoil. I pannicked as i am going damm fast like shit... really swere to god that its so fast and i need to stop because at the front is a T-junction and its red light i scared to crash and die.


AFTER TAHT I KNEW I WAS FLYING ADY... AND FLY TOWARDS THE ROAD. now my face and hand is damm bleeding. damm pain u know. When i enter the class, the lecture asked me wanna go to hospital anot. I said no need as i am not dead. but then after the class i went there myself... GOT an X-ray scan and showed that have minor fracture at the wirst. damm.

This is my damm wrist.
A few fingers bleed.
The bruses on my face. Sry for a dark picture. And my dark face( cos i cycled the whole day under the sun. Man i cycled and this save the world by reducing carbom footprint- see i am such a good person =.=).

When i was falling i tought i was going die ady. Landed ady feels so damm pain. After that i was thinking, OH GOD WHAT DID I DO WRONG?. i did so much to help and save ppl yesterday and u treated me like this.... sry... too sad ady.

anyway, its all my fault for speeding. Its even so pain just to type now.
Before i end this post, i would like to advise u all to be careful on the road cos its really painful to be injured.