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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Top Gear Season 12's finale

Asking stupid questions on a cloudy and cold Monday,
freezing the beauty within the black long straight hair.
The voice I could fall for, "How are you?","Hungry!",
Smile, the funny way she finished her chips for lunch,
Here, I start to actually like Monday afternoon lectures,
There she was, with that quiet and pretty, yet tired eyes.
Maybe it's you, maybe it's not, or maybe you don't know me,
Guess it's just a shadow, no more than an Indochinese shadow.

I guess so,


KualaLumpur Kaisers said...

woo looks like hanjun has an admirer!!! man can u take some pictures of her and post it here, hanjun?

KualaLumpur Kaisers said...

that me chang!!